Sharee crossed her arms and gave a mild glare to Three-Horn. "We'll spar when I say we're sparring...but yes, we have more important things to do at the moment, and I don't want to end up injuring any of you before the attack. Oh, and it's not the Miriam we are hitting yet, it's a different ship. The harder target can come later, once this crew proves itself, and once we get a few upgrades for the ship. You all can get back to work. Remember, you have my interest, not my favor. Don't start thinking you're something special, not until you can back that up. Now get out of here." After shepherding Malakaus' men out of her cabin, Sharee laid herself down on her bed and let out a yawn. She of course had no real plans of promoting the "Typhoon Warriors" at this point, but it was good to give them something to work for. At present, none of them were really cut out for anything more than following orders. If they managed to become more skilled, then she could give them more responsibilities. Not to mention if any of her officers ended up dying, then they might eventually become decent replacements. It was hard to say how many more days it would be before their target left port, but after today, they would be pretty much ready. Sharee planned to send the Khajiit former slave back to his master the next morning with a warming gift in the form of a crate of skooma. If they were lucky, it would be enough to put the Khajiit back into his good graces, allowing him to poison their food once out at sea. Otherwise, they would just kill the boy and they would end up having to take the ship the normal way. In any case, there wasn't anything left to do for the night, so she dropped her potion bag on her table, undressed and packed away her weapons and other equipment, then laid down under the warm fur blanket on her bed.