[center] [img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsf461a268.jpg] [/center][center][b]{•Udea•}[/b] {•Dea||human||Female||Waitress•} {•Personality•} Dea is a very feisty and courageous girl, unless dealing with bigger people. She is somewhat of a shy girl, but only to men. Otherwise, she's kind and very outgoing. She's a people pleaser, but she does what she thinks is right. She is very kind and would never harm a fly, but can be very feisty and stand-offish is she needs too. Dea is an honest woman, to the most brutal extent. She doesn't really have a filter, but she would never say it to be hurtful. She loves to enjoy herself as much as she can, knowing her brothers would be all over her when she got back to them. Dea is very respectful toward her older brothers but they tend to be too protective ever since she decided to live with them in Fabletown. {•Once Upon A Time•} Dea was the last child of the eight that were birthed. Her older brothers, venturing out on their own, told their Aunt to give them a sign of whether it was a girl or a boy, in which Dea was a girl. But because her Aunt wanted them to stay away, she signalled that the baby girl was a boy. A few years had passed and someone had told her she had driven her brothers away. Dea asked her mother what they meant by that and her mother told her that she had, in fact, been a younger sister of seven men. Her mother sent her off to meet her brothers and a lot of mischief unfolded. She soon arrived and her brothers, not recognizing her at first, took her in as soon as they figured out that she was their younger sister. The boys, living in the home their birth father set up for when they became of age, had Dea live with them. After a few years of living together, more and more of her brothers leave and never come back. She found this odd and left her homeland only to enter the mundane world. For centuries she searched for her brothers, seeing as she never aged. Dea soon came across Fabletown and found her brothers living together in a large home not far from the I Am the Eggman Diner. She is now a waitress at said Diner and is trying to save up to live in her own apartment close to her brothers. {•Other•} Her brothers are very overprotective, she has a pet cat named Lamia, and she loves to draw and sing in her room. She misses her mother. She feels like she's [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Qz5P-YMdk]Miles Away[/url].[/center]