Well, if no one minds, I could post with Malakaus bringing everyone back to the coast. He's just quite a day to plan out. Is the timeskip just going to the next morning, or shall it cover a few days? I could get more done if I have at least a whole day to use freely, but if we're just skipping to the next day the best Malakaus would have done is organizing the loot, making some more quick cash for his endeavors, and either making a full set of glass armor or arming some of the crew with glass weapons. He'll need a few days to get a prototype boomstick ready, not to mention other things that he might be involved in including conducting preparations for the ship, dealing with his Typhoon Warriors, and gathering Enchanting materials. Might also raised the competency level of the Typhoon Warriors so I can use them to help Malakaus, though in doing that I need to flesh out their characters more.