Caelyn had extended a chance to Armond, and he took it. She knew deep down that everyone is capable of being good. It was better to look for the good than focus on the bad. She understood why Mara was so bitter to the man, but it also hurt her a bit to see the woman so shielded. All of the criticism she must have endured growing up. She was no different than any other being. If anything she was more amazing, such a kind heart even with so many obstacles. One day she would converse about being half mermaid with her. Her curiosity had been piqued, but for now she had other things going on. "You have my thanks, Mr. Armond. This side of you, makes the title of noble seem more correct." She said offering a curtly bow while making sure to be a bit dramatic with it. She threw him a wink to let him know she was just doing it in jest. She got the words out just in time to be bear-hugged by Raena. "Raenaaaa..." She squeezed the words out. The girl was incredibly strong. "My ribs.....ow. Please be lettin' me go dear." Although the hug hurt her more than she would ever admit. It warmed her heart to see the girl. Something about that girl stuck to you like glue. She grew on you the longer you knew her as well. As if on que, Veragwen walked up and tended to her badges. "Lady Vera, I don' deserve all the nice you are givin' to me. But I kno' that I am needin' it. I intend to be repayin' it in full one day. You always seem to be takin' care of me." Caelyn gave her the most sincere smile she knew. A boom of thunder sounded just as Mara was climbing down from patching the roof. She walked in with firewood, and Caelyn moved over to help her. "Mara, I know he seems snoody, but we don' know his story. Just like he does not no' ours. Why give him more reason to be scared of what he does no' know. As strong and amazing as you are, show him that. By actin' like he was to you, you are only fuelin' that fire. Be the bigger person, its what my da' always told me to do. I wish you could have met him, I no' you would 'ave loved him." She said with a beaming smile. The rain started coming in, and she decided to go talk to the newest member to join the group in the cabin. "Hi, Mr. Samael, my name is Caelyn. We all just left Seles." Caelyn said we a solemn tone. "The town is lost, and the beast that was plaguin' it done. The lives lost to that beast can never be repaid, but we did give them some kind of peace I am to be hopin'. As to why we are all here, we each have our own stories, mine is simple. I was scared and needed to find myself, saw this flyer and now I feel like I have a purpose." She looked around the room taking in everyone. The smile on her face as genuine, almost peaceful. Then the storm raged.