Adam was quiet as he looked out the windows of the Hall of Healers; some might think he was admiring the scenery as he was seen sketching landscapes from time to time as he healed up. That wasn't too far off either; he was admiring the way everything looked when he was fully extending his magical senses. It was a serene and surreal image, as he watched magic flow throughout everything he could see. It reminded him of the dream that set him down this path. Offhandedly he noted that everything seemed to ebb and flow at the same tempo of his migraine, later he would experiment but for now he was content to just watch the world spin for a moment. Since he was just passively watching both with his eyes and his senses, Adam was aware of the headmaster a fair bit before he knocked on the door. He was tempted to look upon the head master and see what he looked like with this new found sight, but thought better ‘if Aoife had been blinding, the head would be damaging’ slowly he retracted his magical senses, fascinated with how the energies would blur out of sight as he did. Taking one last moment to savior the images he had seen, he collected himself and turned to look at the door as the headmaster walked in. "Ah, Adam, what a coincidence, I was just on the way here to visit dear Miateae, but as it happened I've also been searching for you" “Greetings Headmaster, what can I help you with?” Adam asked doing his best to keep his rasp quiet. Internally Adam was, uncertain; He never knew where he stood with the Headmaster, having never really talked with the aged gentleman despite knowing his reputation as the most knowledgeable person in the academy. Adam always felt like he was walking on ice around him, but could never place as to why. It was an instinctual feeling, one that he had learned to trust while living as a street rat. Regardless he was quite interested as to why the Head master had searched him out.