"You are making a lot of assumptions," Deneva answered a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "But I thank you for the compliment." She had expected the human to make some amount of fuss. Mostly about the events leding up to him being knocked unconscious. A group of thugs had not been on her list of things to deal with - but the human had to be protected. The bruise on her leg seemed yo throb at the memory of the fight. A simple job to keep the peace of Aurion had led a human here. And who else might try to attack or capture this human before her? This was not as easy as a task as she first thought it was. "I didn't kidnap you. Nor am I expecting a ransom. Besides, if you happen to truly be who I think you may be, then you'll be priceless." She paused in thought before speaking once more, "So what is your name?"