Skyrim went into a strange peace state ever since the Dragonborn went on a grand adventure spree through the lands many years ago, a lot of the biggest problems have past and barely any dragons remained in the areas around Skyrim, preferring to remain in their mountain tops than to venture down into the grounds below unless to find and feed on roaming animals in the country sides. With the Dragons laid back, the war between the Imperials and the Storm-cloaks grew even more violent, launching full scale fronts against each other and switching castles out with each siege, usually ending up with equal amount of territories each and separating Skyrim between the two, if they were to unite against anything, they'd be truly a force to be reckoned with against any small force, if they ever had a reason to be as such. In the North-East, stood two factions waring each other for many years, the Dawnguard, heightened in whatever way they can vampire and werewolf hunters, all human, they use magic, enhanced crossbows, and herbal mixtures to get advantages against the un-dead and beastly enemies they devoted their lives and codes to hunt down and eliminate. To the West of them, beheld the Volkihar Keep, where the powerful Volkihar vampire nobles have lived for thousands of years, Vampire Lords, the most pure of all vampires and extremely powerful to their own kind, Sabrina Tesliah was one of those vampire Lords, donning a black leather corset, black leather pants, boots, full fingered leather gloves and a cloak that reached her lower knees, she gazed about at the lower courtyard below from the balcony she stood upon, her amber eyes seeing perfectly in the dark, her long raven black hair flowing in the steady wind. With a sniff she focused her vampric natural abilities, her gaze suddenly zooming to the ground below, watching a man run to his horse and abruptly leave at high speeds from the area, she blinked, before turning after a moment, before seeing the man already crossing the river bed separating the castle from the main-land to the other side. She lowered her head, watching him closely until even he was out of her distance to spot him,, but she had his scent. Time for a little hunting. Shifting into her vampric Lord form, a almost grotesque like appearance with pointed ears, fully paled skin like she normally has, wings and cloth strips for clothing. After that, she took off in the air in a abrupt motion, taking off to find the man, for he's seen too much by far if he's been close to the keep, for all she knew, he was a Dawnguard scout, none of them could live.