Sanuel sat across from you in the boxcar. The car sgook breifly as the train lurched to a start, and footing was difficult to hold for the first 5 or 6 minuts as it accelerated to nearly 100 mph. After 10 minuts, samuel called out. "So. Id ask hows life, but i already know it aint grand for you. Not just cuz this whole kidnapping thing, but cuz i red your profile.. Liz, 21 year old female, freshman in college. Struggling with grades, struggling under fathers high standards, struggling with sanity ill bet." Samuel recited your profile from memory. Is it possible for a stranger to know so much about you? "And, Your credit score is 430, because after high school, you pulled out a phone, but your father made you quit your job to go to college full time...." He had practically recited your life story since you were 10! "Well, since i cant ask how your doing, or what you like, imma ask you to ask me the questions. Were gunna be cooped up for a long time you en meh. Might as well get to know each other and learn to enjoy it right?" He wasnt at all expecting you to answer, given the circumstances.