[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/wb2xht.jpg[/img][/center] The airships above them were amazing. Nolan had never seen anything like them before, and he hadn't thought ships were capable of flying. After all, they were heavy things made of wood and steel. He wondered what it would be like to ride one, to lean against the railing and look down at all the cities below, at the people that would probably look more like ants then anything else. The cook made his way towards Risa, like Luro, his interest had been piqued, though he was less enthusiastic and simply grinned from ear to ear. Before Nolan could ask his question they heard chanting and soon they were walking towards the scene of a brawl. The cook scrunched up his nose in distaste, but he followed after the others. Knowing his friends, it would only be a matter of time before they themselves got into trouble, and he wanted to be there to keep the peace if Luro upset anyone, or if Danny got a little too excited around irritable people. Nolan turned to look at Alicia and shook his head, a small smile creeping up on his face. "A day without any shenanigans would be wonderful. It feels like trouble follows us around," the man chuckled then strolled after the others, but upon nearing the circle of chanting people he backed away and shuddered. It was the smell of blood and sweat. He couldn't see what was happening, but when the people surrounding the brawlers made way for someone called The Rookie Judge, Nolan gaped. A bleeding man had just been dumped into a ship. If no one helped the poor man, he would [i]die.[/i] Nolan's didn't even pay attention to the swordsman, instead he turned to the crowd. "Isn't anyone going to do anything?!" Were they really going to let him bleed to death? Maybe trying to save the impaled man would be pointless at this stage, but just watching and not doing anything...that was cruel. "Is anyone here a doctor?" He was pushing his way into the crowd now, muttering frantic 'excuse me' as he went. Nolan scanned the crowd for the captain and someone to help the bleeding man.