Far off in the horizon, a small black figure could be seen moving closer at a steady pace. A lone Pokemon with a large black hat slowly came into view as it trudged along a thin dirt road that lead into Sunny Town. Isra looked up from the dirt path for only a moment, giving the town a once over before putting her head back down to block out the overbearing sun. She had made no plans to rest anytime soon and this place was too small to garner any attention from her, but perhaps it had a nice place to fill her belly. The thought of hot food made her mouth salivate,[i] just a little longer belly we'll find some food soon[/i] she thought to herself picking up her pace at the prospect of food. She had been walking for quite some time without ever seeing civilization and the few Pokemon she'd come across were either scared of her or trying to rob her. Thinking back to when she was young, Isra couldn't recall so many bad things happening in the world or so many bad Pokemon but she tossed the idea out figuring she was simply naive back then. --- After a fair bit of walking Isra had passed a few homes and spotted a larger building off to the side with a sign too far for her eyes to read. As she got closer the sign on the building read simply [i]"Sunny Town Public Library"[/i]. [b]"No food there"[/b] she mumbled to herself absentmindedly when a barking sound made her head snap up to the source, a massive Arcanine began crossing the street directly towards her with his teeth showing. [b]"Excuse me?"[/b] she stuttered, shocked more than afraid that some stranger acknowledged her. [b]"I said, 'what?' As in what did you just say to me."[/b] the Arcanine spat out accusingly, narrowing his eyes as he continued his approach. Isra noted a nearby Growlithe had started to approach with his gaze fixed on her. Feeling threatened she turned to simply walk away without saying anymore when she saw a second Growlithe standing a good five feet away from her quietly inspecting her appearance. Isra opened her mouth to speak when the Arcanine cut her off [b]"Who are you? What are you doing in [i]my[/i] town?"[/b] Isra stopped for a moment and simply began counting in her head [i]one.[/i] [b]"Listen I'm just here to walk through and that's all. Okay? So if you just let me just pass through we won't have an issue."[/b] She looked down from Acranine using the hat to separate the eye contact, in her experience if you let these bullying types feel dominant they often accept that as a win and move on but she would come to find Arcanine was not that type. As if on cue the Arcanine's two goons began to chime in. [b]"She's got some kind of guild or cult symbol on her back, do you see that?"[/b] one nodded noting the simple piece of artwork in her poncho, [b]"What kind of hat is that? Is that hat part of your cult?"[/b] the other added almost mockingly. Isra knew she wasn't getting out of this situation without a little harassment, [i]two[/i] she thought to herself yet again counting up. The Arcanine in front her seemed to think to himself for a moment, she looked up and could see him exchanging glances with his comrades alongside her. Whatever those glances they exchanged were, Arcanine had taken little time in making his decision. His front paws took small steps outward lowering his center of gravity as the muscles in his neck tensed, his voice was cold and firm. [b]"Listen we need to take you in for questioning, lately we've had some problems with suspicious characters. It's procedure."[/b] Isra could feel one of the Growlithe's chests press up against her side as they began trying to push her along [i]three[/i] she thought for the last time, counting all the way up. She took a few steps with them allowing them all to relax a bit before she chose to act. With both fists balled up Isra tossed out three consecutive Comet Punches directly into the face of the Growlithe to the side of her, away from Arcanine, using this gap in their formation to leap and attempt to break free. She landed a good couple of yards from the trio tossing a look over her shoulder allowing Isra to see the Growlithe still reeling from her blows with the other two helping him, she smiled and continued to run on thinking she might escape. Isra's feet pounded against the ground with the string holding her hat on tugging at her throat as she charged down the street, fleeing and tossing occasional glances over her shoulder which allowed her to see the Arcanine far behind her use Extreme Speed and began quickly closing the distance between them. Isra turned, planted her feet and smirked as she used Quick Guard allowing the much larger Arcanine to plow into her small figure but oddly enough he was simply blown back causing the two Growlithe behind him to stop, completely shocked. The now furious Sheriff let out a roar that shook windows of nearby buildings and began pounding his feet on the ground again, closing distance between them using rage as his fuel. Isra realized she might have the speed to outrun him when a third Growlithe appeared from in front of her out of nowhere catching her off guard. He sent his body into hers with a smooth Tackle which cut her legs directly out from under her, sending Isra crashing to the ground hard. She rolled for a bit before stopping herself and popped up on her feet to continue running when the feeling of a thousand needles penetrating her entire body shot through her, the Arcanine had grabbed her in his jaws and used Thunder Fang to paralyze her. The electricity running through her caused every muscle to strain in just a few short seconds. When it stopped she could feel her muscles twitching yet her body was spent and she was exhausted. The torment didn't stop as Arcanine continued to press his jaws around her body squeezing her before he slammed her to the ground roughly. She gasped for air as her captors picked her up with their jaws and now dragged her off somewhere, but where that might be she didn't know.