People have lost respect for each other, there are murderers and thievs everywhere and noonca can do anything...yes...we are living a dark age... You were once a normal human, one night after having a drink with some friends you got killed and were left naked in the middle of the town.. Your sould could not go to woke up in hell, your hands and legs chained and your chest pierced by the weapon you got killed with, suffering the pain again and again... Suddenly an old man with a grotesque face stood in front of you "You have suffered a lot...I can give you the chance to live again..If you are ready to accept the consequences..." Without any other option you accept. The old man pulls out the weapon from your chest and what couns out is not red blood...It was blue. You can feel how an inmense power runs through your body, you feel blood-thirsty...You were no longer human, You became a vampire. What will you do now? Take revenge? Become famous? Conquer the world? Powers: all the vampires have powers in common: Flyring, turn into bats, magic, superhuman strenghnt and agility, blood manipulation (if there is wounded pray near you, you can drain the blood without biting) During the night. Bad things:During the day you are almost as a normal human, just a little stronger or faster, your magic gets weak but you still can drain blood, sunlight doesn't affect you but water (yes..water...) can kill you and you get horrible heacaches when you get insacred places likes shrines and other places CS Appearence: Name: Age: Bio: Weapon (you'll use the one you got killed with): Magic (3): Clothes: Other: Rules: What i say goes, This will be in medieval age, Feel free to suggest things write "i came from hell" at the end of your cs