Leaving the cave, greenery had come back to the area around Hax. Noticing a few greenman demons, he knelt down, patting one and smiled. It was just about half an hour before lunch would start, giving him enough time to come back for lunch time. Walking down the hill, back towards the school, he felt something .... something which he was unfamiliar with. Heading to the classroom where the pages were. He was a lone esquire, and thus was not in a class of esquires. His circumstances had earned him special treatment from the headmaster and special permissions, such as no class requirements or what he was doing today, having given almost no details about it. Reaching the classroom, he could feel it ... a demon sword .... that was from a water demon. On alert, he focused on it. [u]Hm.... Don't worry master, the associated demon of that blade has no relations to the ice families. The demon is a bit solitary, and would rank around the middle somewhere. They aren't here for you.[/u] Cyrono informed Hax. He felt the tension drop from his body a little, only to see Igor Neuhaus, beckoning him. Walking over, Igor whispered so softly, no-one would be able to hear him except for Hax. "As you are aware someone else with a demon sword is among the new pages. They are named Aria, and are to observe the two demon kids. They are not aware of you at all, but the headmaster wanted to tell you two things, if Aria deems action is necessary you are the first to move out. Secondly, you will accompany myself and a couple of others on a mission very soon. That is all." Nodding, Hax continuing to walk along. [i]Finally some time away from this place.[/i] he thought, heading to the cafeteria to get some lunch.