"I'm here to join, too!" Tina added eagerly. She rushed up to Willow and took the Braixen's hand in her ribbons, giving an enthusiastic shake. "My name is Tina! Very nice to meet you!" she said. Her eyes then caught sight of the library behind Willow, and they went wide with wonder. "Oooh, you have so many books!" She quickly rushed past everyone and darted here and there throughout the place, taking in as much as she could in as little time possible. "Wow... This place is so cool!" she said, still oohing and ahhing this and that. She began to ask, "Do you have-" but was cut short as she accidentally stepped on her own ribbon, sending her into yet another face-first fall to the ground. She lay there a moment, then bashfully got back to her feet. "I'm alright," she assured everyone. "That happens more often than you'd think." She took a deep breath, the fall bringing her back down from her hyperactive state. "Sorry, I tend to get excited easily. Like I said, my name is Tina, and it's very nice to meet you all!" She gave a slight bow as she said this. Inside, of course, her thoughts were still fairly hyper: [i]I did it! I found the Adventurer's Guild! Oh, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see what it's like![/i]