Mena stared at the bitter girl who demanded answers, unconsciously tensing as she pulled away from her Lady. She stood up and leaned against the wall by the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. "You have taken an oath to guard the Lady Andraste from Hunters and Thieves who seek to steal the water of the Healing falls. Pure souls rarely come about so we had to send recruiting beams throughout time. From the looks of it, you are fairly recent. The current year in linear time is 1928." Mena paused and looked over the girl. "You were pulled back in time whilst others were pulled forward. The samurai is obviously from older times- though not older than mine- the little witch girl even further. Time and space hold no meaning here. "Only Pure Souls may guard the Healing Falls and the Lady Andraste because if anyone else were to pass under the waters as we must to rest or heal, they would burn to death with no sign of flame. The moon is pure, as is the water it produces, as is the goddess. It is only logical for the Guardians of these to be Pure as well." Mena's stare remained neutral as she continued to speak, not leaving her spot against the wall. "Some of you died and were brought here by the Recruiter Beams, whereas some were injured. The little witch girl followed the Recruiter and waited for the rest of you. "I have been serving my Lady for 600 linear years... and since the start of the 20th century, the Hunters have become more ambitious, bringing new technology that is getting harder to combat single-handedly. The Lady Andraste made the decision to find Pure souls who lost their lives or were cast out by society in an attempt to protect the Falls." Her eyes bore into the girl's green ones. "[i]That[/i] is why you are here. We do not want to kill the intruders, nor maim them or destroy any access to the Falls. We want to protect them from harming themselves with the water as they refuse to believe it will burn impure soul right out of their vessels. Since they will not listen, we must make them with..." "A bit of tough love." Andraste spoke up, smiling at the girl. "I am sorry for the turn your life took, Annie, but I assure you you will never have to suffer such pains again. You can leave the basin and spend your day where you wish, and need only come back at night. You must be here at night, for that is when the Hunters come. And you need your rest." "...It is as the Lady says." Mena spoke softly, having forgot that these people also met ends that could best hers 600 years ago. Many things have been invented since she was brought here. She couldn't imagine half of them. 1310 was a long time ago in linear time. "We must force them back for [i]their[/i] good, not ours." She tilted her head, her eyes slightly softer than before. "Any other questions?"