The doe gracefully leaped over the fallen tree to get to the green pasture where it started grazing. The young and strong vampire watched from the tree, fangs protruding out. When the timing was perfect, he leaped down, falling on the deer. Snapping its neck, he dug his fangs in and drank. He didn't spend much time at home, not since Rosalie left. It still hurt him, even after two weeks, it still hurt him. She was truly his everything, but she just couldn't accept that one thing Emmett could- Bella joining the family, and especially Bella turning and having Edward's baby. He knew Bella being able to have a child was what drove Rosalie away, because there was nothing she wanted more then to have a family, and being a vampire she couldn't. That was what really drove her away. When he finished the deer off, he made his way home to get his jeep. He still couldn't stay home, he couldn't face his family. It took all he had now to just ignore them and not get the third degree about how he was feeling. Getting in the jeep, he started it up and headed to town. He just needed to get away, anywhere would do. __ It was a beautiful autumn morning. Riley, like every morning, went on her morning job. She survived her first two months in Forks, Washington. It wasn't really all that bad, the weather was almost always perfect, except for when she craved a little sun, and the people were nice. Despite all the murders that happened awhile back ago, she could really see herself settling down here. She stopped to catch her breath for a minute and take a sip of water. After that sip, she took off again, steadying herself so she wouldn't wear out too quickly. She came to a sudden stop when standing in front of a beautiful meadow, yellow and white flowers were everyone. It was almost too beautiful to describe. Above, the sun was starting to peek through. "Wow..." She breathed out, walking to the middle. It was, beautiful, and the sun hit right in the middle. To her right, her heard the crackling of leaves being stepped on, and put her guard up. "Hello?" She called out, feeling silly that she was overreacting. Maybe it was just some animal or something. Or not.