Killing the engine, Shayna reached over and grabbed her bag. “Oh bugger” She muttered to herself, the strap having caught itself underneath the passenger seat. Yanking it free, she sighed and pushed a hand through her hair. She didn’t have work at the new dance school for a few hours, but needing to do a shop for her small flat, she had to venture out for a coffee. Getting out of the car, she looked up to see the sky was overcast but that no rain was to fall. Locking the car, Shayna looked about. Although she had been in America for three years now, she still had some getting used too. Driving on the other side of the road, the money, how coffee was bigger than tea. Her American mother slotted straight back into the lifestyle here, despite having been in England for 22 years. She had been in Forks for a month now, and had made friends with the other teachers and apprentices. Shayna, or Shayn as she always went by, pushed the straps of her bag up her arm and crossed the road. Walking into the coffee shop, she ordered a medium skinny latte, and once her order had been made and one sweetener added, the blonde slipped out of the cramped shop. Looking around, Shayn decided to have a walk about town, to try and better acquaint herself with her new home. Her phone beeped in her bag and Shayn paused, rummaging around in her bag for the phone. Pulling it out, she headed back to her car to take a drive to the supermarket. Getting into her car, Shayn put the coffee into the cup holding and sent her reply quickly, before starting up the engine. She headed out of the town square, fiddling with her phone to link it up to the radio. She wasn't really paying attention where she was going and failed to see that she had drifted onto the wrong side of the road. That was until a horn sounded and she looked up. She yelled out and swerved hard, and the car went off road and she slammed on the breaks. The car came to an abrupt holt, and although she was unharmed, her front tyre hit something and rapidly deflated. . . . He still could not accept what had happened, he had gone to kill the freak but he could not. So Jacob just would not go anywhere near Forks again, he couldn’t be anywhere near them! Bella was dead now, and he had to accept it. He didn’t spend much time with the Pack, he had walked out and refused still to take the role of Alpha, and although Seth and Leah were never that far away, he preferred his own company. Jacob had only just returned, having spent most of his time roaming from state to state, and only now returned for the coming wedding of Sam and Emily. He didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to be anywhere near anything from his old life, but his father had begged him, and seeing as Sam had ultimately forgiven Jacob and had been so nice about it all, he couldn’t very well refuse. And so Jacob now walked through the forest, his bag slung over his shoulder as he made his way home. He had no intentions of being there long, or of getting their too early, so he travelled by foot instead of wolf. These forests, they held many a sour memory for him. Bella flashed in his mind and he growled at himself, wanting her to be out of his life for good. He walked up the hill, heading to the meadow that he had helped Bella find all those years ago when Edward had left her. But he didn’t realise someone else was there until he walked through the brush, and heard a voice call out hello. “Oh… sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you, I…” But his words stopped as he looked up and lay eyes on the brunette. His whole world seemed to stop and his heart skipped. Suddenly and unavoidably, Jacob found himself pulled to this female. All sour memories and everything else that had plagued him vanished. There was just this outstandingly beautiful brunette. “Hello” He said, offering her his first smile in months.