Emmett continued driving, his last memory with Rosalie stabbing him like a thousand needles. It just kept replaying itself in his head. Over and over and over againt... [i]"Emmett, I can't do this anymore! No one listens to how I'm feeling, it's all about Bella... Bella this, Bella that, oh look, we've got to care for Bella. Even Edward cares for her more then me." The pretty blond shouted. They were just outside the house, in the forest. "Rosie, please. She's his soulmate, we have all been waiting awhile for him to find someone he truly cares for." Emmett said, trying to calm his girlfriend down. "Yeah? Well guess what? I'm done with it all! I'm leaving." She growled. They were on patrol for any threat. "What.. no, you can't mean that Rosalie." Emmett said, heartbroken. "Yes. I do, I love Carlisle and everybody, but I can't do it anymore. Are you coming with me?" She asked, looking Emmett in the face. He was shocked. How could she ask him to leave his family? "I can't.. I have to stay and help with Bella, protect her fa-" Rosalie stopped him. "I'm sure you do. Just stop Emmett. My things are already packed and loaded. Tell everyone what I said... good-bye." And then she was gone...[/i] Emmett was dragged out of his thoughts when he saw a stopped car. Pulling up behind it, he stopped and put on his flashers., getting out. He smelled... human, and she smelled good. His tolerance was built up, so he had no desire to feed on her, and he had that deer earlier. Knocking on his window, he waited for her to roll it down. "Hello, can I help with anything?" He asked, smiling halfheartedly. She was a beautiful woman, odd he'd ever think that again ~~ Riley jumped when she heard a voice, she turned to face who was talking to her and felt her breath leave her body. Standing in front of her was a man, and he made her heart skip a beat. Well toned, tan, and a beautiful work of art. Why did she have to look like crap? She had on some black jogging shorts that were a little short, but made her legs look good, a tight white tank tip that showed a little of her midriff, and a black jacket that matched the shorts. Her hair was loosely pulled up, strands hanging around her face, and she had her blue earplugs in. Of course she'd have to meet a cute stranger looking all sweaty and tacky. "Uhm. Hi." She said, not sure what exactly to say. "You're okay, I just get scared easily. I'm sort of a scaredy cat. I don't even like cats." She said, throwing her hands up then back down with a small laugh. She felt her cheeks turn pink. Why was she acting so girly around him? "I'm Riley... Riley George." She said, wanting to quickly change the subject.