[img]http://i.bssl.es/ludoqia/2012/04/Resident-Evil-Operation-Raccoon-City_-600x383.jpg[/img] You and group of survivors find yourselvs in the south part of Racoon city, you heard that the army has a secure zone in the nort part, good for us! The problem is that the city is infested with zombies, most of the cars don't work or crashed, our ammo is running out and we see zombies every 2 steps. Time is running out, can we get to the safe zone? [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10726811_712732465480484_1944524151_n.jpg?oh=9edeb2727439faf1fe6a1eaa46c92c01&oe=543840E7&__gda__=1412946439_ed1d0ddc433d1a757c14133df08b0855[/img] CS Appearence Name: Age: Wepons (Melee, fire weapon<- i will decided if it's acceptable or not): Backpack: Other: RULES: What i say goes. We may run and interacr with cannon characters Write "I hope we don't ru inti the nemesis" at the end of your cs