Alright, well, with us most likely moving to the casual section, slots have probably been closed to the public. There are those who are still writing up their last CS(s), but as of the moment, we have eighteen [b]accepted[/b] members, along with four pending/waiting revisions. Sad to say, but there are those who have been rejected/removed. Anyways, without further adieu, here's the list: [b][i][u]LIST OF ACCEPTED MEMBERS:[/u][/i][/b] Ralthavar Marchosias/Mary - Lucius Cypher Senna Dalgaard - greenhorn Aria Cecil Mystique - SupahCow090 Alika Blackwater/Elena Akulova Pio Senarus - TheMusketMan Loreal/Dagny Ek - Kidd Joseph Conrad - Nytem4re (Please post ASAP in this OOC, just to make sure you’re still here.) Lilith Ephyrene - Ipsie Zane J. Harrison/Riley - Cynder Chris(topher) Graham - Exodus (Just change class name to [i]Gunslinger[/i]. GMs voted that such a title fitted him better. Please post ASAP in this OOC, just to make sure you’re still here.) Varren Yinyues - Jedly Jeremiah - Norix (Might need to add a tad bit more to your CS, since we’ll most likely be switching over to casual. Just need to go into more depth, nothing much.) Raule Cardias - Zombehs Ier-Briar Thorn-of-[s]swag[/s]Shield - Erode [b][i][u]LIST OF TO-BE-REVISED/PENDING CHARACTERS:[/u][/i][/b] Leonardo - eddie Well… Alright, this is kind of a doozie. So. Satan. Sorry, but Mr. 666 is a no-no. We’re alright with angels and demons, but try to make a distinction between the devil and Lucifer, perhaps give his grandfather some distinguishable traits? Mundus Torum - Sauron Alright, we have no qualms with the majority of the CS. Something which isn’t settling too well with us is the [i]legion[/i] of golems. Though he may have been alive for quite some time, he can’t have a legion at his command. If that was the case, then there’d be no need for him to attend an academy in the first place. We settled on having a max of three minions. Also, we’re somewhat befuddled by the fact that it took Mundus only 24 full days to craft a set of god-tier weaponry, given the short amount of time plus his age. Lastly, his age. Is he 750 in Belarian years, which converts over to 17 human years? Or has he been alive for 750 human years, but aesthetically appears 17? Arkiyel 'ein - Varionus CS is WIP. James Hunter - arowne97 Please finish CS. Since this will most likely be moved to casual, TBR isn’t going to fly. Especially for something as important as personality. [b][i][u]LIST OF REJECTED/REMOVED CHARACTERS:[/u][/i][/b] [hider=Quick Note]To those who have wound up in this section, you can attempt to revise your CS, and PM it to the GMs.[/HIDER] Leonard - arowne97 Voted to be rejected by GMs. Free to finish other CS. Senoka Lazilu - Kronshi Aspect about darkness is somewhat vague, along with a shortly written CS overall. Alexander - xiledx Barely anything written, no information pertaining to his backstory is given, except for the fact that he was abandoned. How was he abandoned? By whom? Nor was any background about his ability given.