It felt so weird, approaching the gates of Hogwarts from Hogsmeade village. The students would be arriving later that night, but Shayne had to be there early. She was to be settling in to her own space near the hospital wing. She was going to be taking Madam Pomfrey's place for the time being, but McGonagell had thoughts of placing her as the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Both jobs she loved, but Hagrid still taught Care of Magical Creatures. With a sigh, she flicked her wand, allowing her bags to float behind her as she walked towards the main building. Two people were waiting for her, and the smile that caressed her face was sincere. Neville Longbottom, her best and oldest friend was already there, and Madam Pomfrey who looked ready for her year off. Shayne aproached them, hugging Neville and then Madam Pomfrey. "Thank you, Shayne. I doaappreciate you filling my post this year. I just need some time away." "I understand, Madam Pomfrey. We'll miss you while you are away, but you need to think of your own health too." She reminded her, and Madam Pomfrey smiled. "Minerva is up in the infirmary to talk a few things over with you while you settle in." She informed, and Shayne nodded. "Thank you. Have a safe trip." She said, and Madam Pomfrey loaded onto the carriage and headed away. Shayne looked to Neville then. "So, want to head up with me, Professor Longbottom?" She asked He still looked worn, buy he would be better in time. And she would be there for him. -- Five years ago, Charlie's life changed forever. He returned home because of the war and he lost one of his younger brothers. Lighter notes had been made. Most of his family already marrying off, aside from him, and families being started. Not to mention his growing friendship with one Murphy Rose, whom he affectionately called Rosie. She was a sweetheart, and anymore he didn't know how he made it so long without a friend like her. She understood him, and he alwayd enjoyed the company of her and her stepson. Even if it was tragedy that brought them together. And he was still having trouble believing that said tragedies happened five years ago. But, right now none of that mattered because he was going with Murphy-Rose and her stepson to platform 9 3/4. So today, should be anyway, a very happy day. And Charlie had intended on making sure it stayed that way.