Max I don't wanna seem rude, but your guy literally just got hit by a guy wearing durasteel armor at mach 1 and rolled it off. Not only that, but now he can just absorb a lightning bolt with Lith. That is kind of OP I mean taking the hit from my guy even if it was a glancing blow would have broken a couple of things. On top of that his speed is a problem even if he is fast A. my guy is moving at mach 1(that's the usual highest accepted norm for arena characters) B. Arty didn't move he literally just blasted electricity up and down on you. It wasn't fired in your general direction since he knew where you were. C. even if you were fast enough normally to absorb the bolt with lith you just shrugged off a hit from mach 1. Your guy would be at least somewhat dazed or winded which would slow him down. Maybe he shouldn't be outright dead, but he needs to take damage from that because he cannot dodge and logically he would be unable to muster a block. Again I don't want this to come off as angry or rude, but its just from what ive read.