Michelle flickered back into consciousness, and she had no idea what was happening. Then the pain kicked in, which was definitely not a pleasant experience, especially if you felt like you could barely move. Fortunately, the pain slowly faded, and Michelle's eyes fluttered open when she something gently shake her shoulder. She heard some sounds that she couldn't discern at first, but she was soon able to concentrate long enough to get a vague understanding of what was happening. She turned her head slightly to see Oliver in her peripheral vision, who had a look of concern on his face. Before Michelle could say something to him, he placed her in a sitting-up position and left to rejoin the fight. Michelle took a deep breath, then winced as the pain in her ribs flared. She tried to push herself back up onto her feet, which the pain in her ribs flared again in complaint, and she managed to do it while leaning heavily heavily on the wall. Then she realized that her sniper rifle was not with her, and she turned her head left and right in an attempt to find it. She spotted quite a way away, and she immediately started heading towards it, pushing herself off the wall. She stumbled, but managed to regain her footing before she could collapse on the ground. She slowly walked toward her sniper rifle, her right arm clutching her chest, then reached her rifle and picked it up with her left. Michelle looked at her hands trembling, and realized that she'd never be able to pull off a successful shot if she tried. Instead, she used her rifle as a walking stick, heading towards the sound of Oliver screaming, something about letting them go. Walking some more, Michelle was just in time to see the letters spelling out "LOGGING OUT". As the tentacles retreated and Oliver dropped to the ground, Michelle slowly made her way toward Oliver, hoping to figure out what was going on. She stopped walking after reaching Oliver's side, then asked, "What happened? W-why did those words appear?" Then she saw the tears coming down from his face, and she then knew that his answer would not be a good one.