Richard looked at the woman, so he was wrong about the assumption of kidnapping. He had been attacked by a strange group of people and then he found himself in a strange location. Everything seemed to point to kidnapping. If the woman said that he had not been kidnapped then it only seemed reasonable that he would be able to leave and go home anytime he wanted. "Richard. Though it's customary to give one's name before you ask for another's," He said as he got up. "If I have not been kidnapped then I will be leaving now. Thank you for saving me, or at least getting those men to leave me and taking me here to your place, but I have to get back home and then work." He made his way to the door and looked back at her. He was wondering about a couple things. Those men had been intent on knocking him out and not hurting him that bad. They had not even asked him to hand over his belongings before they attacked. Most importantly why did he end up in a strange apartment instead of a hospital bed or something of the short.He wanted answers as badly as he wanted to get home. He opened the door ans when he saw that it did not lead into a corridor but outside he closed the door right away. He turned around and looked at the woman. "Not kidnapping. Taking a person unwillingly somewhere else is the definition of kidnapping. I"m pretty sure I am no longer back home so you better start explaining were you have taken me before I call the police." He slide his hand into his pocket ready to daily 911 if needed.