Name: Gazzo Finks Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Goblin Guild: Izzet Why you are in (guild name here): Gazzo started out as a science experiment. He was a simple, dim witted goblin like the rest. He had been captured and his brain was being experimented on, since performing on a human brain would just be careless. However, they routed a surge of wild magical energy directly into the goblins brain by accident... but instead of turning his brain into slightly less intelligent beef jerky, it accelerated the growth of mental processes. Gazzo began learning more and more quickly, until soon he stopped being the lab experiment of the Izzet and became a peer, working with some of their top minds in order to solve the greatest questions of the universe. At first everyone was a skeptic, particularly the firemind, but the Izzet can appreciate a bright mind and Gazzo had certainly developed that. Eventually he was like one of the gang. Magic abilities: Fire based magic abilities. Throwing fire balls, setting things on fire, the usual. He is also capable of throwing up some basic blue mana barriers to counter offensive spells, but he isn't as well practiced with blue magic. His ability to nullify magic doesn't hold a candle to the Azorius yet. Working on his electromancy skills at the moment. Personality: In his early life of being a goblin, before the Izzet supercharged his brain by accident, he was a feeble, pathetic thing who would beg and steal in order to get a good meal, and would often get shoved around by other goblins due to his lack of size. After the incident however, Gazzo is loving life. He's a bright tinkerer who spends nearly all of his free time on insane science experiments. He has been given a purpose, and that is to improve the daily lives of Ravnicans with the technology he and his fellow scientists develop. He is a determined little guy who focuses on his problems with tremendous ferocity. He won't allow himself to fail under any circumstances. Appearance: [url=]Gazzo Finks[/url] Other: The incident that turned Gazzo into a genius was kind of inspired by this card. [url=]Goblin Flectomancer[/url] I for some reason also have a fascination with goblin geniuses, but MTG usually depicts them as very stupid. Changing that!