Carnage cackled in a maddening tone at the glistening bones that flew his way, the laugh was pure hunger. He hungered for a fight, and here was one flying into his cold, bloody hands. "Everyone! Targets approaching from the South! You know, from where Drake left his men." He scoffed and said under his breath "Fucking coward..." He quickly regained focus, shouting out orders as the enhanced men began to move at inhuman speeds, setting up mounted guns in mere moments, in two minutes they were ready, standing, waiting. Let the hordes come, they had plenty of bullets to use on them. That and Carnage was going to personally rip those bones from the sky and smash them into metallic dust. Tonight a Hero was going to die. It was going to be Gervus, no one fucking doubt that. Mercy left his soul too long ago for it to matter in the least whether his "scientific value" surpassed his own. He was going to eviscerate and decimate any Undead. No matter how many they make and throw, he will win. There was no doubt of that by any of his men, they had his back as some even looked to him with reverence, saying that he may be mankind's real honor. Some of his men whisper that they should make Carnage the new leader when it all ends. Though Carnage himself admits it won't happen at all, he's psychotic, and too brash. So he stays on the front lines till death do they part.