In just under 3 minuts, the undead army was just one hilltop away. [b]Gervus[/b] from his high vantage point saw something that certainly didnt please his eye... Smoke cloude the view a bit, but there was no mistake. Inside HIS fort, standing on HIS walls, was a human unmistakably identified as Carnage. [b]Gervus knew him, for slaying General Knarl, a large abomination, at what many called the battle of sunset. The humans should have been wiped out but this one human managed to save them. This was back when [b]Gervus[/b] was still only a captain. From the cover of clouds, [b]Gervus[/b] roared for his men to come to a hault. "STOP YOU ROTTED SCUMBAGS! DO YOU NOT SMELL YOUR BURNT COMRADES AHEAD? THE HUMANS HAVE OVERTAKEN OUR FORT! PREPARE TO TAKE IT BACK (and likely get completely destroyed by carniage) IMEDIATELY!" With that, the undead roared in confirmation. [b]Gervus[/b] began charging a frost breath immediately, especially for Carnage. He knew he would have to fly within range of the arm cannon... Or perhaps he could try a trap... "CARNAGE!" He roared, and dropped from the clouds into view. He was too farfor laser cannon fire, and normal bullets would likely just bounce off him. He gave a silent signal and a megaphone was loaded into a makeshift slingshot, and hurled to carnage's feet. "IF YOU'RE IN THERE, WHICH I KNOW YOU ARE, LET US SETTLE THIS SCORE PERSONALLY! THAT I MAY GIVE YOU GENERAL KNARL's PERSONAL THANKS!" His deep metalic voice echoed through the fort. "IF YOU REFUSE, NONE OF YOUR MEN SHALL ESCAPE MY WRATH, AND THER BODIES SHALL BE ADDED TO THE ARMY YOU SEE BEFORE YOU!" If you would call [b]Gervu's[/b] assembly an army. It was maybe 180 strong, consistent mostly of resurected elves and humans, a handfull of skeletons, somebless than high tech weaponry, and a few jeeps. [b]Gervus[/b] may as well have just told a humorous joke. Truly he couldnt expect to intimidate you with these numbers could he? Not after you had dug in, and had the high ground!