“You are far from your home,” Deneva lifted a hand and examined her nails. “And because of that it would probably prove useless to call ‘the police’.” She considered the opinion of just letting the human wander. If he bolted out that door and was eaten by the planet, well that meant that the prophecy much have been referring to some other human. However, she knew that such an excuse would not work. She was this human’s protector, whether he agreed or not. So how much information could he handle? If he truly knew everything, what was the consequence? Well, first off, he probably wouldn’t believe her. She just need to take things at little steps at a time. A sigh escaped her lips as she stood from the chair. “My name is Deneva. And I brought you to this place to keep you safe. How safe you are here – I can’t guarantee.” How soon would the magic begin to destroy him if he was the one prophesied about? Perhaps this very room was killing him? Even if she had tried to weave the magic to create the illusion around them, the magic was still wild. And that was probably the first thing she would have to address. If he was to try to understand here he was, he needed to understand the main component of this world. “Do you believe in magic? Because if not, I’d suggest that you do.” She brushed her hand over the chair, undoing the illusion upon the item. Sparks of color, traces of magic, escaped into the air to reveal a piece that was of more Aurion nature. It was still something similar to a chair – a wood stump that had been molded into the piece of artwork that it now was. The strange design of the was probably unlike any wood working found on Earth.