Scenario #1[center]Malakaus Ralthavar Marchosias[/center] --- Sinking his axe into the neck of one undead, Malakaus looked down at the fallen sailor. His screams had long since been silenced, his neck torn open and gushing out blood. Malakaus would have to ensure that the sailor meant his true end, least he become another one of the undead. But that would be dealt with later. Right now there was about five more problems that Malakaus had to deal with. Taking a deep breath Malakaus focused on the task at hand. There was five zombies that needed to be taken down, and he was going to do it very soon. Time felt like it was crawling now. Every second took ten, every minute took hours, but regardless of how slow time was going, Malakaus was going full speed. One zombie's head flew off it's shoulder and into the sea. Another was cleaved from shoulder to hip. The legs of another was lopped off, shortly followed by it's scalp. Another was bisected. And lastly, the final zombie quartered. By the time the bodies fell, Malakaus was covered in their blood and gore. His hair was sticky with their remains and his clothes heavy with their visceral fluid. He swiped the blood off his axe and looked towards the castle beyond the mist. [b]"Let's hurry. I'd rather not figure out what other surprises are in the mist."[/b] Scenario #2[center]Andari Ambermane[/center] --- Once the boat hit the shore Andari was quick to head towards the ship they were looking for. His sense picked up no threat, and in fact this entire end of the coast doesn't seem to have been touched in months at least. No footsteps, no scent of life or death. It was... Eerily isolated. He detected no magic at least, so all they needed to do was get to the boat, and from there he can try to pick up on the trail from there. How hard could it be after that? Andari went forward a bit, but didn't go too far and was still waiting for the rest of the others to follow him.