She smiled as he said what guy didn’t know about cars. This was true, even if they didn’t they would act like they did. It was almost expected of a man, to be a dab hand at mechanics and all things hands on. She watched him as he set about and as he spoke of her accent, she smiled. “No I am from the south of London, on the coast. Been here a few years, only been in Forks for a month. It is certainly taking some getting used too” She said as she moved out the way and stood round the front of the car. He moved quickly and had the spare on quicker than she could have ever done, and she smiled. “Thanks” she said as he clicked shut the boot, the whole process having taken him only a few moments. “Oh really, you’re a mechanic?” She asked astonished, luck certainly being on her side today. It explained why he was so swift and knew exactly what to do. As he extended his hand, Shayn smiled and placed her small hand in his. “Shayn Thomson” She replied, but her attention was taken by just how cold his hand was. The day was quite mild, so how was his hand was so cold? It was like ice! “Oh, well” Shayn said as she took back her hand and looked up to him and could not help return that warm and lively smile. “Any chance you’ll be able to fit the proper tyre?” She asked him. She would need to buy a replacement, as the spare would only work for a period. “And know where I’ll be able to buy one” she added with a light laugh. . . . “Florida? I spent a week there last month” Informed Jacob, the heat and sun had been a welcomed distraction from the misery here. When she mentioned now living in Forks, his rule never to step foot there again would be broken. Of course there would be a problem with the Cullen’s, but now really they did not exist to him. Bella was a faded memory; he couldn’t fully remember what she looked like. This brunette before him was every image in his mind. He had a need to know her, to learn everything about her and more. All he could do was hope that she wouldn’t reject him. He had never heard of an imprintee rejecting someone, but the pain he felt when he thought of not being with her was an indication. She mentioned the beauty of the land around them, and all he could think was that it was nothing to her own radiance. He looked around and shrugged lightly. “It has its moments” he added with a light laugh again, picking up his bag again. “You should be careful running in these parts” He said, his tone changing to a serious one. “There are some horrible animals about” he said, implying the leaches that were the Cullen’s and whatever other Vampires they had waltzing about.