"Ah, Forks, I imagine, is nothing compared to London, but it has its moments." He said with shrug. "I love your accent though, its beautiful." He said. [i]Just like you,[/i] he thought to himself. When he thanked him, he smiled. "Don't worry about it, no problem at all. I've had to help people in much worse situations, changing a tire is nothing, really." Emmett said casually. When she asked if he was a mechanic, Emmett shook his head laughing. "No, I just know my way around a car." He said. He watched as she spoke, all of her body movements, her facial expressions, he just observed everything about this beautiful woman. "I love your name, its unique. You don't meet a lot of Shayn's here. You don't meet a lot of Emmett's too." He said with a thoughtful expression on his face. "There is actually a auto store in town, they sell tires and pretty much anything anything else you need for your vehicle. If they don't have it, you can order it online." Emmett said. "I can show you? You can just follow me to town and there. Maybe I can take you out to eat afterwards?" Emmett said. He despised human food, but to hide what he really was he would force it down. ~~ "Its beautiful. I miss it, but.. some things happened with my family, so I moved down here to live with my aunt." She smiled and nodded. "I guess every place does, doesn't it?" SHe asked, shrugging. She nodded when he gave her the warning. "My aunt told me.. and about all those murders and bear sightings from a couple years ago. I should say the same to you, Jacob Black." She said, smiling his way. "Well... just to be sure, you know I don't get tore apart, maybe you should walk me home? Or maybe to grab some coffee?" She asked him, smiling. She was hoping he'd say yes. "I just want to change first, though. I'm all sweaty and.. well like I've been running all day, which I have." She said, laughing. She took a sip of water, pouring a little bit on her face to cool down. She replaced the lid and put up her headphones in her bag.