“No nothing at all” Shayn said as she chucked her bag back into the car. “Thank-you” She added with a coy smile, as he complimented her accent. It did gain a lot of attention, but from this guy it was genuinely complimentary and brought a light blush to her cheeks. When he spoke of the garage not far from here she nodded. “That would be great. I know in England, mechanics always rip off women. Could definitely use an experienced opinion” she said to him. When he offered taking her out for something to eat, she paused. Was he asking her out on a date? Again she blushed a little and nodded, smiling up to him. “That’d be nice” she said. She watched him as he got back into his car, and Shayn got back into her car. As he over took her, she quickly started up the engine and followed after him. Emmett drove a large and sporty looking jeep, a beast of a machine that was a lot more powerful than her little black Subaru. She followed him through the town heading to the mechanics and repeatedly checking her appearance. She looked acceptable enough, although her long blonde hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and she was dressed casually. A pair of skinny jeans, fur lined boots and just a cardigan, a large section of her toned stomach on show. She suddenly wished she was dressed a little more respectably, but still, if he was attracted to her when minimal effort had been made, then she would not complain! She pulled into the car park and stopped the car besides Emmett, and got out, taking her bag and half full coffee cup with her. She smiled at him as she followed him inside. “Thanks for this” she said once again. . . . The bear sightings, how many times had he been mistaken for a bear now? The large black wolf he turned into when he phased, too many times he had been mistaken for a bear. But the attacks had not been by him or his kind, it was the blood suckers that had came. But now it was just the Cullen’s again, there had been no murders or deaths. Although he hadn’t been here, he had kept an ear out to ensure that the monster that Bella had created and not destroyed anything. “The woods here in Forks aren’t good for lonely walks, unless you know the paths” Jacob said. “La Push has some good walk ways and places for a run” he told her. As she asked him to walk her back, there was no way he suggested. He nodded. “Just lead the way” he said. “If you ever fancy a really intense run, the cliffs are good. I’ll show you if you’d like” He offered her. To be honest if she wanted to just sit in an empty room and not talk, he would do it. “Here, let me” He said, taking her backpack and slinging it over his shoulder with his own holdall. He began the walk back down through the forest with her. When she spoke of changing, Jacob smiled. “You look fine to me” he said to her. There was no awkwardness, and he guessed it was because she was his one that he felt so comfortable and at ease with her.