Adrian was stunned, the police station exploded around him and he stood there like a moron. Quickly composing himself Adrian heard his name and "get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro." That was all it took for Adrian to take off towards the stairs making himself a light 5kg and Pushing off whatever metal parts of debris there was to accelerate him along the way, practically flying down the stairs. Adrian set up a two meter bubble that would intercept all metal flying at him and hopefully stop him being stabbed, shot or otherwise come to an unfortunate end finding another poor soul who had already had his head cracked open from a fall. Stopping for a few seconds to close the poor officer's eyes, Adrian took out his customized revolver, Pushed the special safety off, pulled back the hammer and proceeded carefully down the halls. Adrian found two more lost souls to add to the list. If he had been more aware he could have saved them. If he had been faster he could have saved them. They would all have to go in a notebook. Adrian started to run, making himself even lighter, light enough to take two long stride along a wall and drop a coin to propel himself around the corner and down the hall. Looking ahead Adrian saw two not police officers carrying weapons. Shocked Adrian activated his sight and was able to see all the metal they were carrying. Deciding that getting rid of the weapons was a priority Adrian poured on the weight, making himself 300kg for about five seconds and Pushed. The woman's gun and the man's knife were hit with the full 300kg of weight. Making himself lighter once again to an average 60kg Adrian fired of two shots in quick succession at the general area the two not police officers were.