Emmett felt happy she accepeted his offer. It only took less than fifteen minutes to get to the auto shop. He parked his jeep on the side and directed Shayn to park hers in front. When they were both parked, he asked her to pop open the trunk so he could take out the flat tire. After checking for the size and brand she needed, she carried in the garage. "Mark?" Emmett called out, peeking from a office was was a older man, but still in shape. His hair was sandy blonde, with a mustache to match and bushy eyebrows. "Ah, Mr. Cullen, what can I do for you?" The man named Mark asked. He obviously worked here by his blue overalls and dirty name tag. "We just need to buy a new tire for her." Emmett said, handing off the flattened tire to Mark. "Ah, Emmett, your strength never ceases to amaze me." He said, obviously having difficulty with the tire as he took it from him and sat it down. Emmett told him the description of the tire they needed. "Ah, I got one of those." He said, going into a different room. A few minutes later, Mark came out with the new tire, rolling it with him. "Is this is?" He asked Emmett. Nodding, Mark rang her up. "Let me." Emmett offered, handing the money over to Mark. When they were done checking out, Emmett replaced the spare with her new tire. "There. Good as new." He said, putting all of her tools back in the car. "Now, the dinner? It's just around the corner. One thing I do like about Forks is everything is bunched together. You save a lot of gas." He joked with an amusing laugh. ~~ "Well, I'm lucky I ran into you." She said as they headed back to her house. Her aunt was at work, so there was no one home. "You could've very well just saved my life." Riley said, grinning up at him. Walking beside him down the path she took just felt to, right. Talking to him just felt so right. When he mentioned showing her a better place to run, her face lit up. "Intense is always better. I'd love to see." She said, grinning up at him. She was taken by surprise when he took her bag from her and carried it. "Why, how did I get so lucky to have run into a bodyguard AND a gentleman? It must truly be my lucky day." She said, playfully nudging him. She felt a blush creep up on her cheeks when he mentioned she looked fine. "Thank you, but I'll feel better if I just splashed some water on my face, let my hair down, and changed into something... warmer." She said, laughing. She wasn't use to the cool weather, it was pretty much always warm in Florida so over half of her wardrobe consisted of shorts, tanks, dresses. and sandals. When she moved down here, using some of her birthday money from over the years, she had to buy clothes more suitable for fall and winter weather. When they got to her house, she opened the door and invited Jacob in. She then went upstairs, washed her face, let her hair down so it fell in waves over her shoulders, brushed her teeth, and changed into a pair of light colored jeans that hugged at her hips, black boots with studded heels, and a white long sleeve shirt that was cut off in the front and longer in the back, baring some of her tummy. She didn't wear make-up except for special occasions, so she put on some lip gloss and headed downstairs. Record time- only ten minutes she spent. "I feel much better." She said, grabbing her black jacket. "I'll drive, my cars outside." She said, getting the keys to her Ford truck.