Shayn did nothing, but simply watched as Emmett carried the tyre in one hand through and got her car sorted straight away. Although Forks was quiet, there was only one other car in having a dent repaired. She felt almost awkward, the way he helped her out, she had never experienced it before. But he took the tyre and once again put the car on the jack and swapped it over, all with Shayn stood back and watching. She drained the rest of the coffee and put the cup in the bin and in what seemed like no time at all her car had a replaced tyre and was ready to go. The blonde walked through to the tills and dug around for her purse, but Emmett already placed money in his hand. Shayn’s mouth dropped and she looked to him as they walked back out. “Are you some kind of Saint?” She asked in awe. Not only had he rescued her on the side of the road, but now he paid for the tyre. No stranger ever did anything as generous as this! It was unheard of! She felt like looking round for cameras. He mentioned dinner, and Shayn nodded, still slightly shocked. “All right, but I am paying for this” She said to him. She got back into her car and started the engine, watching as the gorgeous guy get back into his car, and she followed him. She had only gone out to fetch a coffee and some shopping before work, and now she had a burst tyre replaced and paid for by a gorgeous stranger. She shook her head, this day was certainly insane. Parking outside the restaurant, she got out again and locked the car up. She turned and looked to Emmett, and she smiled, bowing her head for a moment. He was very good looking and she was inexplicably attracted to him, there was no denying it. He was a lot taller than her, and whilst she was in good shape, he beat her hands down. . . . Jacob followed her back down the slope. “Think of me as your personal super hero” Jacob said playfully, the descend happening quickly and them already on flat ground. “It is pretty hard core” Jacob informed, thinking of the steep runs and sharp bends. He had run it often, as both man and wolf. “Although it will hurt at the end of it” he added with a smile, the run definitely caused muscles to burn. Although as a wolf, the run was easy, everything was easy in wolf form. They continued to walk and he was surprised at just how close to the forest she lived and he followed her inside, taking a seat in the lounge. Jacob did not feel nervous, but he was concerned. The overwhelming feelings he now had were hard to contain, and he now understood the others who had imprinted. Even her being upstairs he had a small nudge of separation anxiety. He got up and looked to the one picture of Riley as a child, and he smiled. Dimpled cheeks and a naughty grin, she had been a cute kid. She came back down having changed, and Jacob smiled to her “Cute kid” He commented, pointing at the picture. She had changed clothes, and was no longer the fresh faced runner before. However, there would not be a light in which she would not be the most perfect thing to him. He nodded, following her back out.