The Headmaster was internally counting the seconds in his head. Before he even got to five, the young man answered him, same serious look on his face. Render grinned and was a little entertained to find that Adam did not disappoint his expectations in the slightest. “I’m willing to help; I just would just need to know what it is you need me to do. I’ve spent the last few rites brushing up on my reading so I’m not sure if it has changed since the first one,” he said bluntly. The Headmaster chuckled, approving of Adams' choice. "Nothing much is needed. It's simply a bit of sugar-coating, or even a warning if you prefer, about their time here at our academy, plus some lip service to the teachers and small speech about the purpose of learning and some such," said Render. Miataea would have made for an interesting speech, what with her attitude, but in all honesty, Adam was just as interesting, albeit in a different direction from her. "So, is that simple enough for you Adam?" Meanwhile, Healer was looking a bit ruffled at the sudden arrival of the Headmaster. Even though he was generally fair and overall a nice man, he was also rather particular about performance, and currently two of his most prized students were in the Hall. It wouldn't be a mistake to say that every Healer in the Hall had probably broken into a cold sweat.