[b]Turisa Saunders - Driving - The Road.[/b] She was leaving this hell hole and that was it, Turisa had gone through absolute mental hell and torture her mind thinking over and over of everything she had learned and discovered in the time she was in New Orleans, First she lost sight of the girl with the Asthma, She searched for days and couldn't find her. Eventually the Latina got the courage to go to her house, the place she would never get to life a normal life with a family now, Turisa had been using scavenging supplies as a reason not to go there sooner in her mind fearing what she may of found. Of course she remembered when she arrived at the place, It certainly had seen better days, people of course had to of stayed there at one point or another, hope was slim as it was and the sight was not over great. Turisa took many precautions before entering the her house. like checking the perimeter and course making sure the whole place was not taken, fortunately it was vacated other than the few dead walkers she saw, Her emotions where running high, she wanted to them to be here alive, Waiting for her, but it never happened the place was empty, Surprisingly in her search her child's room was the most cleanest... Like some one actually went out of there way to tidy it up. Her heart sank when she could not find her child and her fiancé, she must of sat there for hours upon hours wondering what to do with herself as she looked a pictures of her family, Sadly though Turisa was a cop and it was times like this she hated it, The cop in her had wanted to find out why her sons room was the only one clean and the rest of the house a state, she searched everywhere high and lo for anything that would give her a clue. She searched for ages to the point of nearly giving up until eventually she found the very thing that no mother should of seen, Turisa had found the materials used to clear up her son's room, blood was all over it and immediately it set the Latina of as burst into tears collapsing on the floor and screaming not wanting to accept it, it was one of the cruellest fates. Days had past back then and she was sat in up stairs on the hallway floor just string at the bedroom door, motionless... Emotionless, She must of had been crying to for for her face looked a mess and her were a little red and sore, she had not eating or had a drink, She held her gun in her hand, she stared at it several times contemplating weather to go through with it, several times she point that thing at herself, at the forehead, in the mouth, under the chin, she kept on coming close but could never do it. She heard a noise that some what caught her attention, despite not really caring about anything over the last few days she decided to check it out, she needed to focus on something, Her heart crushed but she was still here alive and breathing because she did not have balls to take the easy way out. cautiously going down the stairs she checked out the ground floor, Apparently It was raining and pretty dam hard to boot, what a downpour, The noise was the door moving from the wind to which she Sighed. she walked over to a side placing the gun go looking in a mirror, Wiping her eyes for a moment she decided to tidy herself up a bit starting with her hair tying it back up, Looking at herself in the mirror still Turisa was like staring into space through the mirror she was still showing no real emotion as she blocked it out the best she could, Was she now just a shell of her former self? Turisa picked up and holstered her gun, glancing at the mirror one more time she took a deep breath and sighed before making her way round the house for any sort of supplies left, She hated this now and could not bear to be in it any more she was leaving New Orleans and not coming back. Realising the place has pretty much been ransacked, She collected some spare clothing for her self from her wardrobe and took some pictures she the officer took a few moments to look at slowly running her hand over one. before taking them out of their respective frames and putting them inside her jacket. taking what she could Turisa went out the front door stopping in the porch looking back one last time and swallowing hard, Was she so heartless to leave? What else could she do? Zipping up her Jacket Turisa ran through the rain to her truck and open the trunk to put what little bits she had inside before closing it and running round to the driver side door and climbed in, At least the truck looked cleaner but not that she really cared. Once settled in the seat Turisa took out the pictures from her pocket looking through them before taking one and placing it on the dash behind the steering wheel, it didn't matter if it covered up the rev dial, It was a picture of herself with her little baby boy and her fiancé. she safely places the other in the glove compartment, it looked like she still had a heart left although a broken one. She had a bottle of water and drunk pretty much all of it, her throat was so dry up until the point.. Putting on her seat belt Turisa started up her black Ford Explorer and drove off. And that was where we are now, Turisa was on a road aiming to leave New Orleans behind, the place brought to many painful memories for her now and had to leave it had long since stopped raining but blimey did it come down some and thunderclaps to boot, Turisa didn't care as she drove up the road going a little bit to fast for the conditions, It was not like anyone was around and a speeding ticket meant shit in this horrid world, It was still gloomy and cold and the roads were still drenched as the woman kept on speeding along and despite looking ahead but her mind was elsewhere like she was staring into space once more.