[B][U]A Long Day Ends[/U][/B] Cypress moves with grace and speed as she heads back towards Aperture Labs. Her handlers gape at her speed and course turns 90° corners without dropping even a shred of speed as she moves at over 300 mph. "Sir I do believe she's improving her ability to navigate obstacles, she's presently at 307.7 mph and not even slowing for turns" Says one of Cypress's handlers to someone on a monitor in another part of Aperture Labs. Cypress's clothing is filled with high tech sensors from Accelerometers, Biosensors and a few other types that are all microscopic in size and use her comms to stream all their data to a room manned by seven people. She is as much a subject of research as she is an employed as a Meta specialist. She herself is completely aware of all the sensors placed on her body and even sits with the squints once or twice a week to discuss her ability. Her secessions with those who are studying her have proved very useful to her in optimizing her use of it. "Her improvement is nothing short of spectacular sir, of course it's most likely that our work has had something to do with it" says the lead handler to her screen. "She is a remarkable young woman and may have progressed almost as quickly without us" says the unseen watcher. Cypress speeds through the streets till she comes to the guard gates where she instantly decelerated stopping by a surprised gate guard. [B]"Well hello sugar"[/B] she says sweetly allowing the young man's heart to slow down. When the guard has composed himself Cypress blows him a kiss then accelerates away an heads to her on campus apartment. Once more she takes a quick shower then wearing only a robe she sits on her couch with a steaming cup of strongly sugared tea. Her TV activates it's self shortly afterwards as Ashley her chief handler appears. [B]Well what did I do wrong on this deployment?[/B] Cypress teases "Nothing I can see having had the data for only a few minutes now. I did though come to a conclusion that perhaps we should at least think of getting you a helmet and a padded suit" says Ashley looking down at something on her desk. [B]Ashley Honey I think I'm already adequately padded[/B] giggles Cypress Ashley shakes her head and tries to keep her professional cool "Beyond your sheer luck in the feminine genetics lottery you have injuries that I want the docs to look at which could have been prevented with a minimum of padding" [B]I feel fine, a little bruised but no worse than if I'd have experienced playing football with the boys back in Yahzoo[/B] says Cypress with another giggle "Be that as I may I want you to get over to Medbay and let them take a good look at you" says Ashley giving no hint of an option.