Armond looked up to see the pair from earlier, return, and with food. They also seemed to have an extra member with them, likely the missing member they had been talking about beforehand. This one was quite the ball of energy, he couldn't deny it, and she spoke faster than anyone else he knew. Also, her words sounded like they were made up, well, for the most part anyways. By the time the woman stopped talking, Armond was completely confused and unable to answer any of her questions, though luckily Veragwen had helped to give her the answers she sought. He turned his head to Samael as he asked a similar question like Armond did earlier, getting a similar response to the question from Caelyn. After she had spoken, and Mara had joined the rest of them, Armond finally spoke up. "I'm sure you're all very suspicious of me, I mean, a noble from Bale coming all the way out here for one creature? Sure, the creature wasn't of the normal variety, but that's not the point here. From what I've gathered, it seems you've come into contact with a certain individual, and due to my hesitation, Miss Nayash suffered for it. I'm sure you've no doubt heard about the Zeraltus nobles in Deningrad? How their estate was burned to the ground? It's no mere coincidence that my last name is Zeraltus, for I am the only survivor of the mass slaying of my family. I'm also certain you've all heard the rumors how the youngest of the family did the killings? I assure you, they are false accusations, I didn't murder my own family...I'd never do such a monstrous thing." he told them, folding his hands. He remained silent for a few moments, staring into the fire, "I know who did it though, the man who framed me, he's also the one who stole something of extreme value from my family after killing them all. A long time ago, my family was the first to traverse Death Frontier, before it was settled on by Miss Nayash and her people. My family found only one thing out there that made the dangerous trek worth it, a red gem. It was larger than any gem naturally made, and so, it eventually became a heirloom. It was passed down from generation to generation, father to son, mother to daughter. The cycle continued until a man named Blitz was hired by my father. Several months after being hired, Blitz betrayed my father and my family, killing them all and leaving me alive. He left evidence pointing to me as the murderer, and since I had no allies in Deningrad, I fled to Bale. The King was close friends with my father, and he offered me sanctuary until I was able to clear my name. However, my own sources told me that Blitz gained powers beyond belief, and I do not mean his necromantic powers. He found a way to use the gem. It seems the gem was more than it seemed to be, and after consulting the books I was able to bring with me, I have come to the only logical conclusion. The gem is really a Dragoon Spirit from ancient times. If he's learned to use it, then the only way to beat him is to find the other gems and their respective worthy owners." he finished, looking at each of them.