Stopping the echo of the bells, Kyo started to replace the current image he was projecting with a new one, this time with a small boy about 12 years old in appearance. Removing the outer garment he wore for the previous illusion, he revealed a simpler red shirt underneath and pair of tan pants that tied off just before the ankles. The color of his hair changed to a slightly lighter shade and he altered the appearance of his eyes to a hazel color. The now smaller-seeming boy stretched, giving a yawn and scratching the back of his head before smiling brightly. After a moment, the image changed. The image of a younger boy slowly transformed into that of a sixteen year old with the same features giving a mischievous smirk and chuckling as soon as the transformation was complete. [i]Rei. That's what you would look like now, right?[/i] The figure walked to the other side of the stage, changing the image again to 13 year old of similar face shape, but brown hair and dark green eyes. He gave a small, but friendly smile as he clutched a book to his chest. The book had been an afterthought, of course, just before the image was completed. This image stopped as well, opening the book and seeming to scan the pages as he changed into an older form like the previous one had. At the appearance a strong boy of seventeen years, he closed the book and looked out confidently at the nearly empty theatre. [i]If you were here, too, I bet this would be how you would look.[/i] The sound of the lunch bell cut Kyo off from his thoughts. Looking towards where the sound had probably come from, he let the illusion drop and stood there in the simpler outfit he had picked out for the second two illusions. [i]I guess that's all the time I have for this.[/i] Still, as he picked up everything he had moved and made his way back to the dressing room to change back into his normal outfit, he felt pretty satisfied at what he had accomplished.