Following him into the restaurant, they were lead to the booth and handed menus. Shayn did not miss how the waitress stared at Emmett, and it was hard not too, he was unbelievably beautiful. Shayn found herself staring and would have to force herself to stop. She looked down to the menu after ordering a diet coke, and she sighed. Emmett ordered a rare steak, and Shayn pondered over the menu, unsure of what to order. She wasn’t sure what she was hungry for! “Uhm, I guess cheeseburger with a bit of bacon please” She ordered, handing back the menu. “You better be right about these burgers” She said playfully, the waitress brought over their drinks and she took a sip of her diet coke, placing it back down on the table. “So, when you’re not playing the hero and rescuing girls, what else do you do?” She asked Emmett, looking back up to him. Now that she sat so close, she noticed that his eyes were a peculiar amber colour, and had curious purple shadows beneath them. That did not in any way alter his beauty, it made him more interesting. There were dimples in his cheeks when he smiled, and his smile was so playful and inviting. Shayn realised she was staring again, and looked back to her coke. . . . “No point hiding it, I have seen it now” Jacob said to her and he smirked, following her out of the house and into the truck. He was used to trucks, having restored the one he sold to Charlie Swan. He sat in the passenger seat after tossing his bag into the back, and he listened to the engine, hearing a slight jolt in the engine as she drove. He made a mental note of that, being quite the talent with engines, he would have a look later. The ride into town did not take long, and as she parked up. Jacob got out of the car and walked round. “Your engine needs a look at” he said to her, placing his hand on the hood of the car. “I can have a look later for you if you like?” He offered, walking into the coffee shop. He got himself a bottle of water only and sat down opposite her, and took a hearty swallow before screwing the lid back on. “So, how long have you been in Forks?”