Danny scrambled up Luro's back as they approached the fight, eager to see the commotion. "Is it a fight? I wanna fight. can we fight, captain? oh, I can smell the fight." She took a deep breath, her smile fading as a body was tossed to the side, Nolan surging forward. she dropped down from her perch, following the cook. she easily moved through the crowd thanks to her small stature, and caught up to nolan just as he reached the sinking boat. jumping to the body, Danny began to rip the bottom of her shirt into strips, tightly tying them around wounds. "apply pressure here, it'll stop the bleeding in that side. we can't do much here, and I wouldn't know where to get the supplies to start stitching him up. even then I don't think he's got a very big chance, he's lost a lot of blood." she stated, looking around at the crowd, focusing on looking for the rest of the crew. She didn't want to state it, but she knew the man wouldn't make it unless he was in a clinic with properly trained doctors within a minute. She didn't want to discourage Nolan.