Emmett chuckled and nodded. "Trust me, I'm a very good judge of food.. and people." He said, sipping on the water. It tasted disgusting, but he was able to hid his disgust well. When Shayn asked what else he did, he shrugged. "Not a lot, really. I love hunting, and chess. I run, a lot, and like to climb trees." He said, it wasn't all a lie. He just hunted with his sharp teeth and ate his prey, he did like chess, he played all the time with Jasper, though he always lost thanks to Alice, and he did run, just not at human speed, and he climbed trees a lot, just faster then any human. So he wasn't lying. There were a couple times Emmett caught the pretty blonde looking at him. The blonde hair- it reminded him so much of Rosalie, but it didn't pain him. Actually, a lot of things about Shayn reminded him of his ex-girlfriend, but then again they were so different. "What are some of your hobbies?" He asked her, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward slightly. The waitress brought out the food. She place the steak in front of Emmett and the cheeseburger in front of Shayn. "Enjoy.." She said, directing it more towards Emmett then the blonde. Emmett watched as she walked off, then turned back to Shayn. "She seemed nice." He said with a chuckle. He cut his steak into small piece and started eating, forcing each bite down. ~~ Riley nodded over at Jacob. "Sure, but be careful with her, she means so much to me." She said, clearly joking. "I keep meaning to have it looked at, my check engine light has been on forever, but it keeps slipping my mind whenever I get the time. I was lucky to make it here all the way from Florida. Talk about a long drive." She said, taking a bite of her pie. "Do you want some? It's really good." She said, taking another bite before washing it down with coffee. She had only had their coffee and bagels here, and every once in awhile a doughnut, but this pie was just amazing. She looked up at him when he asked how long she had been here, she shrugged. "About two months, almost three now, I think. "My dad left when I was about 6 months old, it was just my mom, my brother, and me. My brother went to the navy about five years ago, died in combat, my mom just went downhill from there. Started drinking again. Before us, she had a bad drinking problem, but she got pregnant with Isaac, and she changed her ways, then I came. I guess it was too much for my dad to handle... two kids and all. So he left. My mom went in rehab three months ago, so I thought it was best if I just came to stay with Aunt Shirley for awhile." Riley said, looking down at her food. "Sorry, I'm a blabber, I talk more then I should." She mumbled. She just shared her life story with a stranger, she didn't even know him, but a part of her felt very comfortable with him, like she had known him forever.