Veragwen smiled at Caelyn and shook her head, "You think too little of yourself and too highly of me. I'm just doing what I can to help...." Veragwen listened closely to Armond. Once he finished she glanced at Mara. They had a red-eye stone in their packs. Well, a fake one, it seemed. She was pretty sure she knew who framed Armond already. "It was this same hooded man we encountered, wasn't it?" she looked at Raena, "Do you remember what color Illurath's armor was after he transformed into a Dragoon?" she was pretty sure she would say red, but if not, there was another fake one they could figure out. She looked back at Armond and rubbed her chin, "Why would he do all that, though? Stealing the spirit is one thing, murdering a bunch of people, and framing you for it is another... Can you tell us anything about him? If he is able to use that kind of magic that brings back the dead, he is even more dangerous than just being a Dragoon." She knew the man needed to be stopped. The world didn't need another Seles and she was determined to not let that happen again.....not that there was much she could do to fight him. She could still help gather the chosen Dragoons and protect them. Who knows, perhaps she would be one. Vera would like that, being able to make a big difference against such a threat.