[b]Scouts - The Pub - Alex[/b] "I... guess I could." Jamie sounded unsure, but he set his face into a look of grim determination. "But we'll find him. I know we will." Hazel sat at the table next to Jamie and frowned at his wound. "You guys sure you want to bring him?" she asked. "I think he should rest." Chris laid his palms face down on the table and examined Jamie's wound himself. It looked pretty nasty. Cody must have had no time to bandage it with the other guy in such critical condition. Whether his wound looked bad or not, Chris didn't really want him to come with them, though he wasn't sure if that was what Alex wanted. "... I think he should decide if he's well enough to go." Jamie nodded, slowly. He stared ahead momentarily. "I... want to go. But can someone clean my head up first? Cody's probably... really busy..." Chris raised his hands in in a surrendering motion. He had [i]no[/i] idea about treating wounds. Thankfully, Hazel offered to try and pulled Jamie out of the kitchen. Left with Alex, Chris walked to the window of the kitchen, squinting at the rain flying at the window in bursts. "It's slowing down," he said. "I think. If it dies down within the next hour, we'll have about an hour or two to look for Rudy." That was cutting it close a bit, considering the drive through the woods took longer than walking. They were lucky Outpost was once a camp of sorts so that they could even drive vehicles in there at all. "So, I think we just wait, man." He turned to face Alex and shrugged. There was little else to do, except maybe pray. Though Chris was far from a religious man... *** As predicted, the storm did die down within the next fourty-five minutes. The wind slowed to a crawl and the thunder became only distant growls. Though it was still raining, it could only be considered a slight drizzle. Jamie still complained. "Couldn't we have waited for the rain to stop?" he asked, his right hand hovering over his bandages. "It'll ruin all of Hazel's hard work." Chris found himself laughing. "Right, all of her [i]hard work[/i]. I think you're overselling her just a bit, Jamie." Jamie pouted. "Well... she tried, okay?" He then got into the back seat of the car, knowing he had no right sitting up front. Placing his hand on the hood of the car, Chris turned to Alex. "Do you want to drive? I could do it, but I was never much for driving in bad weather."