The swaying of the large ship had finally stopped, the newer crew that had joined lacked stamina and were practically scratching and kicking each other to get off the ship. Smee had mumbled for the crew to calm down, until the doors of the Captain's cabin opened, and Hook stepped out to make way onto the docks. "Gentleman," He glanced to a member with bulging yellow eyes and was taken aback, but easily regained his focus, "or lack their of, We are only in port for a few days, once I am finished with my affairs, we will return to sea on other business, savvy?" He scanned the crew, all of them mindlessly nodding, and continued "Very well then. Let us be off." The crew watched as Hook glided in front of them, taking first step onto land after months of sailing to this location. They were all dying for a drink, but out of all of them, Hook needed more than just a drink to satisfy his thirst. "Smee," he called, "I'll be at the local tavern gathering some entertainment, do what you will. Just don't embarrass me." Smee nodded nervously, and scurried into the crowd around the docks. After a short walk through town, an invitation has found him, a young woman with long hair had pulled on his coat and kissed him without a word, he fumbled, but tried, in vain, to keep his composure. "'Ello love," he touched her cheek, "I'm not sure what I did to deserve that, but I'll gladly take more." She pulled him closer, "I'm a bar maid up the way, I'll gladly serve a drink and more." Her hand found his, guiding him away from the crowded streets and into a dark tavern. He didn't question the hospitality, as it was common place for a man who appeared so wealthy to be taken away by bar maids and other ladies of the evening. She sat him down and he felt the warmth of her thighs on his lap, his mouth and thoughts were preoccupied yet again by the young girl, whose name still hadn't been mentioned. Her mouth traveled against his, tasting every part of him. Her breathing had become heavier, quickening as she kissed down his neck and into his collarbone, he pulled her up, exasperated, "How about a breathing break?" he cleared his throat, "And a drink, please."