In theory the fact that the Basilisk could glide should not have been that much of a surprise. Then again, knowing a theory and actually seeing said theory play through in reality had a tendency to surprise anyone. Aurelia found her jaw dropping as she watched it just fly on over to them. Glide, not fly, but the fact that it could do that was just...unsettling. Perhaps because now it resembled more of a giant bug than anything else? She wrinkled her nose in clear distaste, though eyed it rather wearily. There was not getting out of this without a fight, was there? As if to confirm her suspicions, Nevin would step forward. He would give them the battle plan, so to speak, and she was delegated to covering the melee group. That wouldn't be a problem at all. She tapped Rampion's head against her foot, listening for the powdered Dust shake inside. She hadn't used too much of it (preservation was her kind of thing) so in essence she was free to go wild. She swung it over her head and grasped it with both hands, taking her stance.