Emma had been in the forest. Like mother, like daughter. She was now an expert thief. After a long day, she headed to the tavern. She needed a cold drink, some rum sounded nice. She made her way there, taking the way through the forest. She had on a [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/5b/5b/ff5b5bcb32fdd45ae3748ce2e39efa65.jpg]older dress[/url], one that belonged to her mother before she met with her father, and a cozy brown cloak with intricate designs. She couldn't dress in his finest gowns, what kind of disguise would that be? She stared out the opening to the tavern. It was pretty busy tonight, she watched as a ship just boarded at the dock, and she smirked to herself when she saw who got off that ship- the famous Captain Hook. Emma rolled her eyes, her blonde hair blowing with the breeze, when she saw the pretty young woman escorting the Captain in. Emma couldn't really blame her, though, he was good-looking. She made her way down the slope, careful not to trip over any loose roots or rocks. When she made it down safely to the bottom, she headed on into the tavern. There were drunken men everywhere, and she spotted a couple of them who looked wealthy, very wealthy. Three barmaids were running around frantically, trying to seduce and serve at the same time. Emma ordered himself some rum and sat down at a table near the fire alone. She just loved this dress and how it made her chest look. A woman's chest was her best asset, she thought so anyways. Emma didn't like showing off her body, but what could she say? Like mother, like daughter. She was as stubborn as her, as well. She let herself get lost in thought as she sipped on her rum, staring into the fireplace. She wasn't proud of what she was doing, but Regina would win, the Evil Queen wouldn't stop until she had her revenge on Snow. She tried to get Charming, Emma's father, but no luck there. Emma knew she'd come after her. Her parents called Emma, "the product of true love", and supposedly she was the only one who could defeat Regina, but how? She was just a normal princess. She didn't have any special powers, so how could she defeat the most feared Queen in the Enchanted Forest? That reason was why she left home. She couldn't put her parents in harms way like that. She had been gone only a week, and she missed them more and more everyday, but Emma had to keep reminding herself it was for the best. She couldn't let her parents get hurt, not if the Queen was after her.