[b] Abram - The Road - Leah/Jessalyn/Turisa [/b] Abram nodded as the girl complied. The man extended an arm point down the road to Jess. "Well, Leah, I'll introduce you to my friend and then we can take a look at your leg." Abram helped the girl keep herself upright as they made their way back to Jess. "Jessalyn, this is Leah." He announced. "Leah, these are my friends, Jessalyn and Benjamin." The man helped Leah to the guard rail on the side of the road to so she could sit down. He slid his backpack from his shoulders, dropping it to the ground. He gingerly unraveled the soiled bandage that was wrapped around her thigh. Abram grimaced as he saw the wound on the girl's leg. "My, Leah, you've messed up your leg pretty bad..." The man dropped the bandage on the ground, opening his own backpack. He produced a dwindling gauze roll and a near empty bottle of rubbing alcohol. He'd picked up the bottle of alcohol from an abandoned car a few days back. With Benjamin exposed to the world, the smallest scratch could kill him if allowed to get infected. Leah's leg was also a worthy use of the medicine, however. Abram produced a relatively clean t-shirt from the bottom of the bag. He had planned to use it, but he decided it was fine to sacrifice it. He poured a little bit of alcohol on the t-shirt and carefully applied it to Leah's wound. "This is gonna sting just a bit." He said, as he cleaned away the dried blood. He took the clean gauze and tightly wrapped the roll around Leah's leg. "What exactly did you do to get yourself hurt?" He said, but before Leah could respond, Abram's head snapped to the road. He could barely make out the shape of a large vehicle. "Car! We've got to get off the road!" He said, grabbing his pack and sling it over his shoulder. He quickly helped Leah across the road to the woods, and motioned for Jess to hide. He dropped to the ground, his right arm over Leah's shoulder. He positioned his body so that he covered her, but enough to see out onto the road. He didn't want to get into a firefight right now...