Last period couldn't come quick enough. Riley George was ready to get out of school. It had been an okay day, but tonight was the school dance, and Rick Grimes, her crush since grade six, had finally asked her out. She was going on her first date tonight, and it was with him! She was way to excited for tonight. Her mom had come to pick her up that afternoon, so when they pulled out of school, she asked if she could buy a new dress, and just as excited for her daughter as she was, her mom agreed. About an hour later, they were back home and Riley was getting ready for the dance. She had bought a really pretty lavender dress that reached her knees, puffing out just a little, with black flats. She could not pull heels off. Her hair was pulled up in a fancy bun with curly wisps hanging around her face. She had on lavender eyeshadow and black liner with pale pink lipgloss. She walked downstairs. Rick was a year older than her, so he had his license and a car and was waiting downstairs when she came down. He looked dashing in his beige pants, white button-up and black tie. They posed for a couple pictures before heading off to the dance. Rick opened the car door for her and off they were going to the dance, talking about anything and everything on the way. When the dance was over, Riley searched for Rick, and found him, making out with a girl she recognized from her biology class. Devastated, she ran out of the gym and out of the school, towards the woods. She knew them like the back of her hand, so she wasn't worried about getting lost. When she couldn't run anymore, Riley fell to her knees, sobbing. A noise in the distance alerted her. She glanced up, looking around, trying to pinpoint where the rustling was coming from.