Had the situation been any different, had the time been two years prior, Teddy would have told Victoire how stupid [i]she[/i] was being. It was sad to think that she believed her own family didn't want her around, and that they would have chosen him of all people to take her place. He was grateful for the acceptance, even if he didn't always believe that he was wanted, but Victoire was blood and she belonged there at the party. As far as he could see, there had never been any reason for her to stay away, and their break up hadn't influenced her to hide in the shadow of the hospital for the last twenty-four months. It was hard drum up any sort of sympathy for her, though. The metamorphagus cocked his eyebrow as Victoire's hand went to the pocket of her dress where he thin fingers grasped her wand. Teddy scoffed, half amused and half horrified that she would even think to hex him. Even at their worst, magic had never been any sort of defense of punishment, and Teddy didn't see why that suddenly had to change just because he'd told her to piss off. If he was honest, that wasn't even the worst of what he could have come up with as parting words. “Really?” he asked, able to remain calm against what he perceived to be a silent threat. He reached into his back pocket, taking hold of his own wand—Willow with a Unicorn Hair core—just in case. “You were never the type to maim with magic. Guess you've changed since I last saw you.” Having grown up with the Potter's, Teddy had become quite good at defensive magic and had even considered going out for the dueling club back at Hogwarts. During his travels, there had been a handful of times where Teddy had been forced to defend himself, and if half a dozen, fully grown Acromantula hadn't taken him down, he highly doubted that Victoire would get very far. However, Teddy had a hunch that one of the many family members gathered at the opening of the tent would intervene before things got too out of hand. This was a party, not a place for dueling over broken hearts, or whatever it was they were actually fighting about at this point.